Men + Women = Better Business™ podcast and blog are designed to promote a higher level of conversation, understanding and collaboration among men and women in business. Why? Because multiple studies have proven that having more women at every level of leadership improves an organization’s financial success and benefits everyone.
Se 2 Ep 6: Inclusivity & Changing Business Culture
Kevin and Leslie leverage the 2019 Ellevate Network's Mobilize Women discussion panel to explore: How we can change business culture by putting inclusivity first instead of talking about diversity? How can we be inclusive of differences we cannot see? Are we ready to...
S2 E5: “50 Ways to Fight Bias” Part 2
After a lively discussion about a Barron's article that explored why a famous financial Shark prefers backing woman-founded businesses, Leslie & Kevin continue to explore and discuss a few of the cards from's "50 Ways to Fight Bias" card deck. They...
Se 2 Ep 4: Playing with’s “50 Ways to Fight Bias” Cards
In this episode, Leslie & Kevin explore and discuss a few of the cards from's "50 Ways to Fight Bias" card deck. Do individuals really say these things? Do we recognize the inherent bias in the situations or statements? Are the recommended responses...
Se 2 Ep 3 Are you Blind to Double Binds?
Cohosts Leslie Grygiel and Kevin Bronson explore the "double binds" that women encounter in the workplace. Whereas male leaders are considered forthright, assertive or plain-spoken, female leaders demonstrating the same behaviors are often labeled as overly...
Se 2 Ep 2: Gender Intelligence: Part II
Join Leslie & Kevin as they continue their discussion about the brain-based differences between female and male brains. Kevin highlights mansplaining and Leslie talks about the ironic impact of the differences in our stress response, all with the goal of raising...
Se 2 Ep 1: Gender Intelligence: Part I
Cohosts Leslie Grygiel and Kevin Bronson are back with Season 2! Join them in this episode as they discuss the powerful differences in male and female brains, as explained in Gender Intelligence: Breakthrough Strategies for Increasing Diversity and Improving Your...
#9 Power Dynamics in the Workplace
Leslie and Kevin explore the concept of power dynamics in the workplace. Men, do you realize that women perceive you to have invisible power in the workplace? Kevin asks: How can we use this power for good, not evil? Leslie says it all starts with awareness. Join us...
The Upside and Downside of Mistakes
Have you ever said something unfortunate and wanted to take it back? Maybe you wondered if anyone else really heard it. Do you admit and point out the mistake, or do you hope it was overlooked? Do you proactively apologize, or do you wait to see if anyone calls you...
What’s the Men + Women = Better Business™ Vision?
I envision a world in which: Women have as much runway as they desire to progress in their careers Women, those who are completely qualified, are at every level of leadership including the C-Suite and Board of Directors. Organizations are stronger financially as a...
Introducing Men + Women = Better Business™
“How have we not made more progress in thirty years!?!” I exclaimed about a year ago as I was leaving my most recent corporate leadership role at a top ten United States banking institution. This shocked statement burst loudly from deep within as I reflected back on a...